Pillar and Support (PDF version)
Story of a rescue team and a female macro.
English/영문판/Color Illustrations/Furry/Rescue Team/Official MDA universe novel/Macro Furry
Story / Illustration: Pederont
Translation: GasMaskFox
Pages: 52
Texts: Approx 27,000
Illustraions: 18
Story line
<The protagonist, Harber, who is active as a rescue team leader at MDA, is preparing to dispatch for rescue activities today, but is suddenly instructed to carry out a rescue operation in cooperation with a new female soldier of a giant race called 'Macro'. Macros are the trouble MDA has fought so far, and are like enemies to Harber. Will Harber be able to complete the rescue operation with Kirina, the first enormous soldier hired by MDA?>
People who helped me making this book
Illustration advise - GasMaskFox, Notbad621, and SolutionWCS.
Translation help - GasMaskFox, WulfWaffle, and OddOldSoul.
And thank you all who supports me through my Patreon!
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PDF version of the book and Illustrations ZIP file.